# Jellyfin SmartPlaylist Plugin Smart playlists with Lisp filter engine. This readme contains instructions for the most recent changes in the development branch (`main`). To view the file appropriate for your version select the tag corresponding to your version. The latest version is [v0.5.0.0](https://gitea.redxef.at/redxef/jellyfin-smart-playlist/src/tag/v0.5.0.0). ![configuration page](config.png) ## How to use After [installing](#installation) the plugin and restarting Jellyfin go to the plugin settings and below the `Initial Program` configuration choose the smart playlist you want to edit, or `Create new playlist ...` to create a new one. [Go here](examples.md) to see some example configurations. Below are all the configuration values for a smart playlist. ### Name The name of the generated playlists, this is just a default value. If the user changes the name of their playlist the plugin will still work and remember the correct playlist. ### Program A lisp program to decide on a per item basis if it should be included in the playlist, return `nil` to not include items, return any other value to include them. Global variables `*user*` and `*item*` are predefined and contain a [User](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/blob/master/Jellyfin.Data/Entities/User.cs) and [BaseItem](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/blob/master/MediaBrowser.Controller/Entities/BaseItem.cs) respectively. **!!! The filter expression will include all items matching, if you do not specify the kind of item to include/exclude all of them will be added. Should you allow a playlist to be included all of it's items will be added to the generated playlist !!!** It's best to be explicit and always specify the item kinds you want to include: `(and (or (is-type "MusicAlbum") (is-type "Audio")) . rest of filter)`. The configuration page defines some useful functions to make it easier to create filters. The above filter for liked items could be simplified to: `(is-favourite)`. *Go [here](lisp.md) to get an overview of the built-in functions.* ### SortProgram This works exactly like [Program](#program), but the input is the user and a list of items (`*items*`) matched by [Program](#program). The default is `(begin *items*)`, which doesn't sort at all. To sort the items by name you could use the following program: ```lisp (qsort (lambda (a b) (string> (car (getitems a "Name")) (car (getitems b "Name")))) *items*) ``` ### Enabled Enable this playlist, currently ignored. ## Installation Add the [plugin repository](https://jellyfin.org/docs/general/server/plugins/#catalog) to Jellyfin: `https://git.redxef.at/redxef/jellyfin-smart-playlist/raw/branch/manifest/manifest.json` Go to `Dashboard>Catalog>(Gear)>(Plus)` and paste the provided link into the field labeled `Repository URL`, give the plugin a descriptive name too. ## Mirror There is a mirror at [codeberg.org/redxef/jellyfin-smart-playlist](https://codeberg.org/redxef/jellyfin-smart-playlist). ## Releasing a new version 1. Write the changelog: `git log --oneline $prev_version..` 2. Update the following files to include up-to-date version numbers and changelogs, if applicable: - `README.md` - `Jellyfin.Plugin.SmartPlaylist/build.yaml` - `Jellyfin.Plugin.SmartPlaylist/jellyfin-smart-playlist.csproj` Don't forget to also bump the ABI version of Jellyfin. 3. Push the changes 4. Create a new release with the changelog, mark as pre-release if applicable. 5. Done! The build pipeline will do the rest.