# Examples - `Favourite Pop`: A playlist containing all favourite items of the genre pop. ``` Id: Favourite Pop Name: Favourite Pop Program: | (and (is-type "Audio") (is-favorite) (is-genre "pop" (genre-list))) ``` - `Electro Swing`: A playlist containing all items which have a genre that contains "electro" and a genre that contains "swing". It will only include albums and single tracks. ``` Id: Electro Swing Name: Electro Swing Program: | (let (g (genre-list)) (and (or (is-type "Audio") (is-type "MusicAlbum")) (is-genre "electro" g) (is-genre "swing" g))) ``` - `All of Seeed`: A playlist containing all items by artist `Seeed`, useless, since you also can just navigate to the artist to play all their songs, but a good example. ``` Id: Seeed Name: Seeed Program: | (let (parent (invoke-generic *item* "FindParent" nil (list "MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio.MusicArtist, MediaBrowser.Controller"))) (cond ((null parent) nil) (t (string= (car (getitems parent "Name")) "Haller")))) ``` or simplified with definitions contained in the preamble: ``` Id: Seeed Name: Seeed Program: | (let (parent (find-parent "MediaBrowser.Controller.Entities.Audio.MusicArtist, MediaBrowser.Controller")) (cond ((null parent) nil) (t (string= (car (getitems parent "Name")) "Seeed")))) ```