[ { "guid": "dd2326e3-4d3e-4bfc-80e6-28502c1131df", "name": "Smart Playlist", "description": "Create smart playlists with a Lisp filter engine.\n\nThe same playlist definition can be used for multiple users.\n", "overview": "Smart playlists with Lisp filter engine.", "owner": "redxef", "category": "General", "versions": [ { "version": "", "changelog": "## v0.4.1.0\n- improve defaults for new playlists\n\n**Fixes**:\n- finally get th percentage indicator of the scheduled task right\n\n## v0.4.0.0\n- Add a basic UI to configure the playlists.\n- It's now possible to print log messages to the jellyfin log by calling `logd`, `logi`, `logw` or `loge`\n for the respective levels `debug`, `info`, `warning` or `error`.\n- Allow calling generic methods via `(invoke-generic object methodname args list-of-types)`.\n- Add quoting via single quote: `'`.\n- Add special case for `(quote